Physio Five Dock or Chiro Five Dock? What is the best care for you?

Learn more about how your body works

Should I see a
Five Dock physio, osteo or chiro?

Anatomical picture of human shoulder with nerves and blood supply visible
Photo of two young people's lower legs and feet while playing soccer outdoors. both trying to kick a ball. one is wearing orange shoes one is wearing blue shoes.

Sydney’s inner west community is a thriving place where many people are out and about enjoying all the area has to offer.  With such an active community all types of injuries, from recreational to sporting injuries can occur.  This often leads patients to wonder, who do I see for my health and wellness goals.  A Five Dock Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractor or remedial massage clinic.  Or do I need a sports injury centre? The good news is there is no bad choice.  The key is to find the right fit for you.  So what is the right fit?

Lady having her knee treated by male practitioner. Man is standing next to the left side of the table bending her knee up. Knee pain treatment Five Dock.

What is the right fit?

All chiropractic, osteopathy and physio services in Australia are performed by highly qualified university graduates.  Therefore you should begin by looking if the clinic you are considering attending has a particular interest or provide services specific to your needs.  For example, chiropractors have expert knowledge of the spine, joints and nerve-related problems.  Likewise, you could see a Five Dock physio who specialises in hand injuries.

The second question to ask is how complete is the treatment provided.  For instance, if you are looking to reduce neck pain from an injury.  Does the practitioner begin with a history and thorough assessment each treatment, or only on the first appointment? Does treatment consist of muscle work (massage therapy or stretching), joint stretching (mobilization or adjustments), movement training and/or functional exercises? 

Lastly, how much treatment does the practitioner or their clinic team do on your body?  Ideally, you are looking for a combination of time spent performing hands-on treatment and teaching you how to prevent re-injury. 

Like to learn more?

Find out how we can help and if we are the fit for you

What conditions do chiropractors treat?

Chiropractors and osteopaths treat all body conditions to do with your joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.  For both your spine and your peripheral joints (shoulders, elbows, hips, knees etc.).    Your peripheral joints treatment due to general or sporting injuries is not a physio services only. Chiropractic and osteopathic treatment of your peripheral joints are very in-depth, often involving the surrounding joints as injury of one joint always places stress on other joints.  Chiropractors and osteopaths do great peripheral joint care, with some chiropractors specialising as a sports injury centre. 

When looking at conditions related to your joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons chiropractors and osteopaths can also help with conditions such as chronic pain, arthritis, headaches or COPD.  As these all have a link back to your musculoskeletal system.  Check out our services page and what our friendly team can help you with.  

Chiropractors and osteopaths have traditionally been known for their care of patients presenting with injuries and pain of their spines and necks.  This is an area of the body where all chiropractors and osteopaths have in-depth knowledge and will be able to help you.

anatomical image of pelvis and hip joints. has the major bones and joints labelled. hip pain.

Experiencing pain or stiffness? We can help

We combine the experience and knowledge of both chiropractic and osteopath to tailor make a treatment for you.

What is difference between chiropractor and osteopath?

All chiropractors and osteopaths treat conditions in your neuromusculoskeletal system.  The main difference from a patient’s perspective is the massage.  Traditionally chiropractors don’t do massage, whereas osteopaths do.  In our current world, many practitioners do a combination of massage therapy, mobiliations and adjustments.  The key really is to find the practitioner which suits you best.     

Is chiropractic covered by Medicare?

All allied health providers are covered for five Medicare subsidies treatments in a calendar year.  You require a doctor’s referral for your injuries to bring to your appointment.  Once you have your referral, you can book online or contact us for your first appointment.  We have flexible opening times and treat in Five Dock and the surrounding suburbs. 

male wearing blue sitting getting his shoulder examined by a practitioner.
Lady having her right shoulder treated by a chiro. she is sitting with her arm raised. the male chiro is supported the arm and palpating her shoulder. Osteopath shoulder treatment. bursitis or rotator cuff injury.

About Five Dock Osteo Chiro & Massage

At Five Dock Osteo Chiro we are big advocates for finding and performing the right osteopathic and chiropractic care.  We know there are many options for care in the inner west, so check out our infographic of what we do.  We take a multifaceted approach to treating your pain, injury or chronic condition.  We use massage therapy, adjustments, mobilisation and traction as hands-on care.  By approaching your care this way, we can effectively relieve pain and improve movement from injury.  After we help your body recover from pain and injury, we teach you how to move so as to decrease the risk of further injuries.

At Five Dock Osteopathic and Chiropractic, our friendly team will always prioritize what is best for you.  So if you need to be referred to a specialist, we will help you find the right one from our network of specialists.

Diagram of treatment in a text flow chart
A male is standing next to an open road in the country side. He is clutching his right knee as if to hold against pain. He is wearing red sandshoe and black pants and shirt. It is a cleat blue day and the field behind him has short green grass.

The right care

The first step is to find the right care for you.  It doesn’t matter if that is a Five Dock osteopath or chiropractor, a Five Dock physio, a massage therapist or a Burwood back pain clinic.  The first step is you have to feel comfortable with your care.  So look around until you find the right fit for you.  If you live in Five Dock or the surrounding suburbs, we are here to help.  We work with local Five Dock physiotherapy, podiatrist, exercise physiologist and our in-house remedial massage therapist to help you receive the best care.  Contact our clinic today for an appointment and learn how we can help you.  We have flexible opening hours and you can call or book online.

An elderly gentlemen is smiling as he shows a young female doctor where his right shoulder pain is coming from. His arm is at ninety degrees to his side. He is wearing a button up blue shirt. Anatomy poster are in the background on a cream coloured wall. Chiro Shoulder pain

Learn more about care

Read our articles and learn how chiropractic and osteopathy care will help you.

Read more about specific topics and learn how care benefits you

Learn about how chiropractic can help you
Learn about how osteopath can help you
Functional Exercise
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Health Span
How looking after yourself along the way pays off
Five Dock Osteo Chiro
A bit about how we can help you

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Five Dock Osteopathic and Chiropractic male chiropractor wearing a light blue shirt performing a stretch on the neck of a young female patient. The doctors right hand is placed on the head of the patient and the left hand on the shoulder of the female patient