Would you like to move the best way possible?

Learn more about how your body works

A deeper look into the advantages
of functional movement exercises

A lady carrying a baby doing exercise. She is wearing active wear. She has no pain and is smiling

Imagine your day with



Our exercises will improve your movement. With simple easy to remember exercises integrated into your day. No need to leave hours aside.



With exercises designed to build your control. Postural control decreases stress and reduces the risk of injury and pain.



Long-term results from foundational movements. Learn correct movement to maximize strength in every movement. Enjoy the freedom.

toddler squat sitting-picking up leafs

Do you know what a foundational movement is?

A young asian male is wearing light brown shorts and white T shirt while doing a squat action with his leg on the lounge. Hip Pain Five Dock.

Your body is designed to move.  From birth you have an intuitive understanding of how to move correctly.  You have inbuilt motor control patterns, or how your brain tells your body to move.  This determines how you interact with the world.   Unfortunately, modern life and society have moved you away from how you were designed to move  

The side effect being that you have created movement deficiencies.  Basically your brain has forgotten how to move your body properly.We start by addressing these movement deficiencies.  By analysing movements, that are known as your foundation movements.  We are able to identify your unique problem. 

   Movements such as walking, breathing, squatting, and lifting are foundation movements that provide abundant information into your unique problem areas of movement.  We take this information and design a program that will help you decrease pain, improve mobility, and increase strength. Leading to better posture and long term health.  

Why focus on Functional movement patterns

You should focus on functional movement patterns, as they are the foundation of all other movements.  Through our years of experience and extensive research we have learnt this is the quickest and simplest way to help restore your natural movements.  We use a range of different exercises which focus on spinal stability and peripheral joint control.  We teach your brain how to once again move a joint through its complete range of functional movement.  This helps your body relearn how to move correctly and rewires your brain’s proprioceptive map.

Fun exercises as part of rehab. Father and daughter doing squats in rock climbing gym
physiotherapist helping patient to do exercise on swiss ball. Hip Pain Five Dock. Mindful movement activity to help with proprioception,

What is the proprioceptive map?

In your brain, you have a detailed map, of what your whole body is capable of. This information is provided to your brain by your eyes, ears and receptors known as proprioceptive receptors.  These receptors located in your muscles and joints, provide real time information to your brain, about how your muscles and joints are moving. 

Studies have shown that ageing and injuries leads to a decline in proprioceptive information coming into your brain.  Simply put, the map becomes distorted or fuzzy, due to the decrease information.  This leads to a decrease in joint performance and an increased risk of injury. 

By using functional movement exercises you increase the information coming into your brain.  As a result you create clarity in your brain map of both the joint movement and the muscle control of the joint.  In other words, by using functional movements, you decrease the risk of injury and improve joint performance. That’s why it is so effective and the simplest path to full recovery.

infographic of how functional movement effects the brain. The brain has different colours representing different areas of movement, There is a person doing pigeon pose. this is part of the sensorimotor system

Do You Want To Feel Better?

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Five Dock Osteopathic and Chiropractic male chiropractor wearing a light blue shirt performing a stretch on the neck of a young female patient. The doctors right hand is placed on the head of the patient and the left hand on the shoulder of the female patient
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Functional Exercise
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A bit about how we can help you