
Rehabilitation, or rehab, is a multi-step process that must be completed correctly for the best injury or surgical outcome. Rehabilitation is important to be performed whenever you have damaged the structural integrity of your body.   That can be from any surgery on your body to a broken bone or torn muscle.  If you are unsure if you need rehabilitation, contact us and we can advise you if rehab will benefit you.  
Rehabilitation affects your post-injury or post-surgical recovery time, pain levels, quality of function, and strength.    A combination of manual therapy, exercises, and health professional coaching is recommended for the best rehabilitation outcome.  Your ability to stick to your rehabilitation prescription will also be a critical factor in how quickly you recover.
Rehabilitation assists the healing process.  Firstly, by restoring of full function (movement) of your affected area, after your injury or surgery.  Restoring full movement involves manual therapy, consisting of massage, mobilisation and traction.  This is applied in a gentle and controlled approach to step by step improve your movement.  It is important in this phase not to go too hard, or you will trigger your body’s protective response and slow your healing.  At Five Dock Osteopathic and Chiropractic you will be given a structured program tailored to your specific needs. Our main goal is to get you back as soon as possible to doing the activities you love while feeling stronger than ever!
After improving your movement the second step, which will be introduced as soon as your body is ready, is to improve your strength and control.  Following injury or surgery you will be inactive for a period of time.  This leads to a deconditioning of your muscles, ligaments and tendons.  It is critical to improve your strength to protect your joints and build postural or movement control following a period of inactivity.  Exercises will begin as simple one-direction movements and will be progressed to complex multidirectional movements as your body heals.  The second step is important to form good postural habits and decrease the risk of future injury.  The added benefit of exercise is that they maintain your flexibility at the same time. 
Post-surgical Rehabilitation
Post-surgical rehab can help manage pain levels.  Surgery can often leave you with discomfort, swelling, and stiffness.  Manual therapy techniques can provide relief from pain.  Massage therapy helps reduce muscle tightness and improves blood circulation.  This helps to reduce swelling.  Joint mobilisations address joint stiffness and improves your range of motion.  Hands-on interventions prevent scar tissue formation, leading to better long-term function outcomes.
Post-surgical rehab plays a vital role in restoring your function.  Exercises target the specific muscles affected by surgery.  At the same time, they retrain movements necessary for your daily activities.  Over time, it allows restoration of coordination, balance, and overall functional abilities.
Post-surgical rehab can help you regain your strength.  Surgery will leave your muscles feeling weak.  But fear not! Carefully prescribed exercises and resistance training can help muscles regain their strength.  With time, regain confidence to return to your normal activities and hobbies.
Every patient goes through a unique rehab journey.  It is important to consult with your healthcare provider or a licensed rehab professional to create a personalized plan.  At Five Dock Osteopathic and Chiropractic we have over 80+ years of experience in rehabilitation and can guide you through the process.  Our team will monitor your progress, and provide the support you need.  Allowing you to have the best outcome and to get you back doing what you love.   
Hands on care effecting your
nervous and circulatory system
Exercises for long term health
An essential ingredient for fast recovery

Can you benefit from rehab care?

Let us help you with tailor-made care designed for you
Learn about how chiropractic can help you
Learn about how osteopath can help you
Functional Exercise
Exercise can be fun and easy. One exercise can change alot
There are both relaxing and therapeutic benefits to massage
Health Span
How looking after yourself along the way pays off
Five Dock Osteo Chiro
A bit about how we can help you

Get in touch today and start your journey to the best you.